Workplace Readiness

October 1, 2020

What it is like to be a summer intern at LEAP

Being a summer intern at LEAP, as a college student is such a fruitful experience! Interns have the opportunity to work closely with a variety of teams from the organization (including, Expanding Horizons, the Teen Center, and the College Success Program) to strengthen their professional skills and gain experience in the nonprofit sector. This summer, Lenny Tejeda – a rising sophomore and Posse Scholar at Denison University in Granville, Ohio – served as the “Career and Outreach Intern” and worked directly alongside the Career Services Team.
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November 17, 2017

Our Children, Education and the Future of Work

You don’t have to go far these days to find an article, data, conference or book about the Future of Work. It is clear that the way we work and live is poised to go through a major change as robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence and genetic engineering (among other disruptive innovations) become more prevalent in our society. There are differences of opinions on the makeup, magnitude and timing of this change, but what is widely agreed upon is that our children entering school now will
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